Version 0.1

Lecture: Mix-networking to Anonymize Messaging and Cryptocurrency

NYMTech's first step in anonymizing everything

In this talk, I'll describe how the technology of mix networking can anonymize network-level (level 0) p2p transactions for any cryptocurrency, including Monero, ZCash, and Mimblewimble. This technology is provably better than Tor, Dandelion, and other alternatives. We'll demonstrate a wallet and walk users through user-testing a demo Android e-mail messaging app built on a mix-net.

In this talk, I'll describe how the technology of mix networking can anonymize network-level (level 0) p2p transactions for any cryptocurrency, including Monero, ZCash, and Mimblewimble. This technology is provably better than Tor, Dandelion, and other alternatives. We'll demonstrate a wallet and walk users through user-testing a demo Android e-mail messaging app built on a mix-net.
We'll overview the Katzenpost mix-network design, the result of a three year long EC-funded PANORAMIX project, and outline future plans like wallet and messaging support as well as the support exchanges like Binance.


Day: 2018-12-29
Start time: 19:30
Duration: 00:30
Room: Main stage
Track: Talks & presentations
Language: en




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