Version 0.1

Workshop: Church of Monero Live Mass

The Church of Monero holds weekly "Masses" where other disciples of privacy send each other a small amount of Monero in a circle-of-trust "Ring Ritual".

This activity:
1) generates new Monero outputs which enhance the Monero ring-signature privacy set.
2) gives members a chance to practice sending/receiving Monero.
3) provides a sense of meaning.

For each week the members participate successfully, they earn 1 Faith Point. Faith Points are non-transferable, distributed database entries that function as a developing, internal reputation system.

The Church of Monero holds these events twice a week on our public telegram channel @churchofmonero. We meet Wednesdays @ 08:00 UTC (for people living in Asia) and Sundays @ 18:00 UTC (for people living in NA/EU). Church members can only earn a max of 1 Faith Point per week, even if they attend both Masses.

We have successfully held 16 weeks of Mass. The Faith Points can be seen in the attached photo.


Day: 2018-12-29
Start time: 18:30
Duration: 00:30
Room: Workshop Area 1
Track: Workshops
Language: en




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