Version 0.1

Workshop: Introduction to Game Theory for Blockchain

Participants will learn about basic game theory concepts by playing games with each others where they win/lose physical tokens.

Game theory is the study of mathemathical models of conflict and cooperation between Intelligent and rational decision-makers. Blockchain is a technology allowing the creation of decentralized ledgers without requiring a trusted third party to guarantee its authenticity. Actors still need to make particular actions in order for the ledger to work as expected. In order to make actors behave in a manner leading to the system working, the system must reward honest actors and punish dishonestly ones throught game theoretical incentives. For example, in Bitcoin, miners are rewarded when they publish blocks which are included in the longest chain.
This workshop will introduce basic game theoretical concepts in the form of simple economic games played between the participants. The workshop does not require previous knowledge and everyone is welcome


Tag: 30.12.2018
Anfangszeit: 11:30
Dauer: 01:40
Raum: Workshop Area 1
Track: Workshops
Sprache: en



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